How to trace the root of negative occasions
With the positive, comes the negative. Negative days carry adverse energy. Today is a negative day. Do not under estimate negative days. On these days, it is better to not plan any major events or do any important activities. Today the day of the Goat clashes with the month of the Ox. Both of these
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The October is a Dog month
Autumn is a period of transformation and preparation for winter so let’s see what October projects for us. The first thing that catches the eye is the month’s essential energy presented by the “Pi“ trigram that suggests darkness, dullness, heaviness and slow progress. But at the same time it represents solidity, certainty and stability. In addition,
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Rooster Month
A big part of the year has already passed, and some of you born in the year of the Rooster will be granted positive changes in life, while some of you will be feeling strong pressure from the universe. For instance, people who have a Horse or Rooster sign in their birth chart will unquestionably
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The Ding You – Fire Rooster Year
In 2017, the Ding You – Fire Rooster Year positive sectors are east and southeast. These sectors should be activated by water. Besides that the North sector has positive stars and when you are activating the North sector, please use only 352.6 -7.5 compass degrees. Also, when you activate positive stars you have to
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BaZi Case Study:
In my forecast for this year, the year of the Fire Monkey, I mentioned that Fire and Metal clash which suggests disharmony, conflicts and disagreements. Well, it is not surprising that a lot of conflicts have happened in July. This is because we have already passed mid- summer when fire begins to decline its influence
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BaZi – Five Structure Types
In today’s day and age, companies are always looking for a way to optimize team-work, productivity, and efficiency. This article may help small or medium-size businesses, or give some idea as to how business owners may manage employees in order get better results. Personality structures play a big role in this matter. The idea behind
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How to Decipher a Person’s Character – BaZi Relationship Analysis
Where do conflicts and resentments come from? Why is it sometimes difficult to get attention from a person we are interested in? The exact answer to this question lies in the system of values that every person has. Sometimes those values will be different from ours. We usually can’t guess what someone expects from us
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Negative and Positive days in March 2016
Sometimes we feel that one month is better than another and here is why. The dynamics of each month is different in relation to the year; the impact of a flying star is also changing. We can also take into account the influence of positive days, with one month sometimes having more positive days then
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BaZi – Flower of Romance
Do you know that the month of the Rabbit brings the “Flower of Romance” to those who were born in the years of the Tiger, Horse or Dog. They feel spring time as a time of romance. March is a good month for them when it comes to finding love and the perfect relationship. Also
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What kind of Luck is Waiting for you in 2016 – Monkey Year
Every year, Feng Shui masters make predictions for the upcoming year and describe the general trend for the year. This includes changes in world politics, the economy and changes in other sectors and industries. These are the prediction for 2016, the year of the Fire Monkey. As usual, we rely on the Chinese Solar Calendar,
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2016 year of the Fire Monkey
Feng Shui energy dynamics change from year to year. We need to relocate the active areas in important locations of our homes and/or offices. That way we can tap into the positive energy and avoid the negative. The year of the Monkey promises to be a highly diverse year; some of us will be on
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Will the month of the Dog be lucky for you?
In the Chinese solar calendar, the month of the Dog is the last month of the autumn season. This particular Dog month is a Fire Dog one, which means the fire energies will be more dominant. Also this month can bring some communication problems. There is an absence of water energies from the month of
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How to Recognize Difficult People using BaZi
Back in August, I got acquainted with a very charming young man who works and lives in the sunny state of Florida. As a real estate agent, his work is connected with people that are sometimes pleasant, and sometimes not, and he asked me how to recognize difficult people and how deal with them. Here
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What 5 Questions You Should Ask Your Feng Shui Consultant Before You Hire It.
I have not written articles for some time and that’s what induces me to write an article this week. More and more often I get asked questions like “in what corner should I hang a picture with waterfall”, “what color I should paint the bathroom ” or ” what is my lucky color to wear.”
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Who is holding YOU ?!
It is obvious that all people want to be healthy, wealthy, and happy, and see only good things happen in their lives. Unfortunately, that only happens in fairy tales, and in real life we have to set goals and pursue them. We go to school, we get jobs; we are constantly expanding our experience and
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Everest’s Fatal Day
April 25th, 2015 Throughout the past few days, the only thing we have heard on television is about the shocking earthquake in Nepal. As I mentioned in my article, “The Year of the Wood Goat 2015”, this year will be full of natural disasters related to the earth, such as earthquakes or landslides. That
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The Year of the Wood Goat 2015
The Year of the Wood Goat promises to be active with lots of good news. As I predict in the previous year (Year of the Horse), we going to hear more positive economic and diplomatic news. There will be more negotiation between countries, and most importantly, with low military activities. Let’s start from the beginning. The Yin
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The Fire Rat Month – December
The Fire Rat Month starts on December 7th to January 6 2015 and it brings us turbulent energy as the year of the Horse antipathy influences the month. The stormiest energy is located in the south. In addition to the Horse and Rat clash, the south gets Star number 2 which brings illness and
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November- Boar “Hai” Month
November – Wood Boar Month According to the Chinese calendar, starting from November 7th we are entering the winter season. Also, November is associated with the Pig in Chinese Zodiac signs. November fetches an excess of water that could trigger melancholy mood and depression, as well as hesitation in important matters. People with a lot
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October – Dog Month “Xu”
Some thoughts and prediction for October October is the time when autumn closes its circle and you can begin to feel the chill. The Dog “Xu” month starts on October 8th. This day is also known as Han Lu which means cold dew. Surely you already have felt the morning chill when you open a
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Feng Shui your office or home office
In recent years, the number of people working at home has increased at an astonishing rate due to the development of technology. Work from home solves many problems associated with the loss of time in traffic jams, stress of the big city and being with children if needed. If you are working from home and
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Feng Shui Bathroom Basic Rules
One of the most troubled places in the house is the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Last week I did a Feng Shui article about basic kitchen rules, and today we are talking about the Feng Shui bathrooms rules. A general bathroom rule is whatever you do, you should not be facing away from the front
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Feng Shui Kitchen
Kitchen – the most haunted place in the house or apartment. In old days the kitchen was usually placed in a negative sector of the house. Based on the House Kua Number (please do not confuse with personal Kua Number), the reason why in old days the kitchen was located in a negative sector
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Means of correction bad Feng Shui
Here we look at the basic tools that are used in Feng Shui to correct adverse situations. This is lighting, candles, mirrors, crystals, pendants, bells, moving objects, plants, water, electricity, sound, etc. when using them do not forget about the basic principles discussed above. Any significant change will definitely improve your life, but if you
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Main Door: Is your main door auspicious?
In this article we are continuing our discussion about the main door and I would like to cover, in more detail, poison arrows and much more. As I mentioned earlier, the main door of the house should always be made from a strong and solid piece of material. It should be the biggest door in
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Staircases in Feng Shui
Home is where we spend a lot of time and it plays a meager role in Feng Shui; however, our main door and stairs in our home do play an important role. And today I would like to highlight several examples and tips for staircases in our homes. When the main door opens to a
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Mirror Pacement
Mirrors as remedies: Mirrors can be used as a remedy to extend walls thereby balancing incomplete house shapes or correcting missing corners. Also mirrors can be used to camouflage columns that can’t be moved. Mirrors can be used in many ways as long as the mirror does not reflect potentially difficult thing such as the
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How to boost your personal development luck
Everyone wants to be better, smarter and prettier, but it is not an easy task to do. How many times have you tried to grow as a person but failed to succeed? So, What is Personal Development? Let me turn to Wikipedia, here is a quote: Personal Development: Develop talents and potential, build human capital
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What Should You Look for In Your Perfect Relationship
Compatibility between people is a very exiting topic. Why are we drawn to some people and why do we want to run from others? Why does on person find a mate at school while other are constantly choosing the wrong person to be with. The Bazi/ Paht Chee will help you to look into the
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Main Entrance, Hallway or Lobby
There are houses and apartments which when you enter, you instantly walk into the living room or kitchen. However, most modern apartments or private homes have an entrance hall, at least a small one. If the size of your hallway is very modest, it is important not to clutter it with unnecessary
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The Front Door Direction
The home sector, where the front door is and the direction where the door looks, reflects the head of the family. Traditionally in a Chinese family the man has always been the head of family. Of course nowadays this is not always the case, so you need to think and decide as to whether this
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YIN YANG Food Theory
Spring is on the doorstep. It is a perfect time to start to shape up and get ready for swimming season. In today’s article I will dedicate to the Yin Yang Food Theory and Energy. Now as many of you know, food is described as the LIFE FORCE for a human body and inner self.
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How to use Water for Wealth
Knowing how to use water is knowing how to reach success and wealth. We all know that Water plays a major role in Feng Shui. Water formulas are the most sacred knowledge in Feng Shui practice, however sometimes people don’t use water properly therefore activating negative energy instead. This article is primary written for those
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Peach of Blossom
That time of the year is here again where love surrounds the world; lovers come together, friends reunite, and romance is lit again. This time is the famous Valentine’s Day. On this day, many different kinds of Valentine’s Day sweets, flowers, and an overwhelming amount of gifts are given and received through the post office,
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What Month of Fire Tiger suggests for us?
February 4th means spring has officially arrived and this year spring starts from the month of the Fire Tiger. These two elements are in a productive cycle. This time of the year is transformational, days become longer, the sun is getting higher in the sky and sends a feeling that spring has arrived, and brings elusive
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Bazi Chart and Dynamic Energy for 2014
Bazi Chart or Eight Type of Destiny for 2014 Today we are going to cover a crucial topic which everyone desires to know; LUCK. According to Chinese metaphysics we have 3 kinds of luck, Heaven, Earth and a Main kind of luck. 1.Heaven Luck is predefined and cannot be changed. In a few words,
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An Introduction to I Ching This year, my goal has been to study the I Ching and report what I have learned on my blog, Tao Te Ching Daily. The parameters of this goal is that my reading list in 2014 will consist mostly of I Ching books, to the exclusion of all others,
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It will soon officially be the year of Wooden Horse!
Energy will transform completely and Tree energy will replace Water energy! Here is an energy highlight for main door direction I emphasized on the major impact of the coming year. If you are a beginner in Feng Shui and Flying Stars there is nothing to worry about. Simply invest in a good compass with a
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In case you missed it
If your New Year’s Eve plans failed, now you have a second chance to correct everything with Lunar New Year. The Chinese people follow the lunar and solar calendar. Many important dates are recorded in this Chinese lunar calendar, but the celebration of New Year is a very special date. The Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration
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Chinese Astrology for 2014 and Chinese Zodiac Sign
The Chinese astrology and Chinese zodiac signs are different from the western astrology. Chinese zodiac is based on the Chinese philosophy, astrology, yin/yang principles and five elements theory. It is one of the most ancient, popular and dependable form of horoscope, which has influenced a lot of people around the world. According to the Chinese
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New Year Asian Style – Wood Horse
2014 The Year of Wood Horse As the New Year approaches you may find yourself thinking over what makes something special this year or how to please the new year of Wood Horse eve with positive energy. In reality Chinese people follow the lunar calendar and the year of Wood Horse falls on the January
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The year of Wood Horse
Forecast for 2014 Wood Horse Year of the Wood Horse tends to be active with lots of news in economics, sports, discovery and military activities or fierce battle. Let’s start from the beginning. The fire element that is represented by the Horse brings a lot of competitions, popularity and combined with the wood they
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The Special Fire Ritual
Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way… The television, radio, stores, malls are packed with Christmas and New Year songs, greetings, messages. The spirit of holiday is in the air. With great pleasure we are all in the Christmas and New Year bustle looking for presents for our kids, relatives and friends. The
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Happy New Year 2014
May this year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements and a lot of new inspirations on your life and I wish you a year of fully loaded with happiness and the sweetest, marvelous, wonderful, successful and great year ahead. Happy New Year, 2014 Shasheta

It is Christmas time !!!
I wish you a Wonder of Christmas , Warmth and great joy , A nice and generous score , A lot of presents under the Christmas tree , And in your hearts many sentiments . -Shasheta

The Friday 13, December 2013
Superstition ”The Friday 13″ The superstition can be considered in many ways, you can believe, you may not and even be a fatalist. On the other hand superstitions wander from year to year, from generation to generation and remain in our minds somewhere deep inside. For a European the “13” is an unlucky number, for
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“One Size Fits All”
One Size Fits All ? One Size Fits All? by Penny McDaniel That’s what the garment label read when I went to try it on. And I thought, how can one item fit all the different shapes and sizes of people? On some, this garment would hang loosely, engulfing their entire body; on others, it
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Kua Number and Eight Mansions
Today I would like to open a very important and probably most confusing subject in Feng Shui it is Kua number. The basis of this formula is the theory of the eight Mansions and using personal energy flow. Each person has his/her favorable and unfavorable directions which are responsible for the various needs in our
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Thanksgiving Spirit of Gratitude
What Does Thanksgiving Mean for You? Thanksgiving: a time when friends and relatives will be celebrating with family. People travel hundreds of miles to see each other. Its one of the busiest travel times of the year, at least in the US. A great meal is prepared with special foods that are holiday favorites and
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Is the old system of day selection working or is it a coincidence?
Yin Day in November Last Sunday a plane crashed in Kazan, Russia at about 7:20 pm. The flight was arriving from Moscow. This accident occurred on an unfavorable day of the month in the metal hour. The Yin Fire day clashed with the Yin Water, the Yin Water month and the year of Yin Water
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The Truth About Spiritual Presence
Are there even any truths about what is called Spiritual Presence? Is Presence even real? If so, can we ever know what that real is? Probably not. Entering Spiritual Presence At Will Contrary to what you might have heard on the spiritual grapevine, you don’t need a spiritual awakening or be enlightened or receive an
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Boar month in the year of Snake
Starting from November 7th to December 7th is the Boar month. November is probably one of the turbulent months of the year. Since the energy of the month is clashing with an annual energy, it is mostly an unfavorable month for people who were born in the year of Boar. As with all months, the
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Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches
Chinese System of Calculation Today we are covering the “Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches.” I have to say that this topic is a very confusing one because the Chinese calendar contains both the lunar and solar calendar and it’s called the “Chinese Almanac” What is the Chinese calendar? The ancient Chinese calendar, better know as
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Feng Shui Examples
Feng Shui Example: Case Study- Sandwiched House, Brooklyn, New York For many years my family makes a short trip to Brooklyn NYC on Saturday. In Brooklyn, there are unusual designs for houses and one day I noticed this one. Here in heart of the Russian community in Brighton Beach, a house is sandwiched between
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Mandarin Ducks
Mandarin ducks have been used for centuries as the traditional symbol of love in Feng Shui practices. The Mandarin ducks indicate love, romance, devotion and fondness to the partner. They are similar to Swans in western culture. The symbols of Double Mandarin Ducks are frequently used to help single people find a love partner and eventually
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Tai Chi or Yin and Yang in Feng Shui practice
Most people today recognize the Tai Chi symbol “Yang and Yin” However not truly understand its meaning and role in the practice of good Feng Shui. According to the Chines science everything in the entire universe can be divided into Five elements and these elements divided in to Yin and Yang energy, it representing integrity and
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Feng Shui is all about the size
Lucky and Unlucky Dimensions. Have you ever thought about why the small Chinese shops sell symbols of luck and wealth and why the owners are not usually rich people if they sell products that bring richness? If these cheap products that the cheap stores sell brought luck, then those cheap shop owners would be rich, but that
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Small Steps to improve your life: Feng Shui Wealth.
The old Feng Shui masters declared “Feng Shui along, does not bring you wealth if you do not endeavor for it, but it gives you the essential support to find your wealth and fortune.” Feng Shui helps you to create an environment that will make you stronger and attract the energies of wealth. Today
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Small Steps to improve your life: Step Three- Health
We all wish to live longer, richer and happier. Today I would like to cover the small steps to improve your life health or at least hold it without regression. Ancient Chinese people say that “Health it is a Wealth” in other words, you cannot enjoy the wealth if you are seriously ill or sick.
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Small Steps to improve your life: Step Two – Relationships
Who knows where the love comes from? How does it appear inside us or how is it born? Scientists say that it is a chemical process. Basically that chemical process affects our emotions, so where does it come from? I personally think it’s a gift from heaven granted to humanity as science of
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Small Steps to improve your life: Step one
(This is actual sign on Queens Blvd. in Queens, NYC that makes driver’s confused, especially if that driver is a visitor) What if… What if you found yourself standing in front of dead-end and there is no progress. Emotionally and physically your life feels just like this photograph? Maybe Feng Shui can assist you. It
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New is well forgotten- old or newly invented ?
Have you ever paid any attention to the fact that very many areas in science intersect with one another, I’m talking about those gray areas. For instance Chemistry and Biology together form Biochemistry and etc. Since I have a computer software background, it was always easy for me to understand if I can connect subjects
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Basic and archaic theory that contain the whole universe !
Can we keep and recognize the ancient knowledge or we are so busy with our progress that we cannot observe, understand and apply the earliest knowledge to our everyday life? Originally I was planning to write my UBC about a different topic, but one of my readers’s asked me to write about Five Elements in Feng
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Why Bridges Communication Towers & Spires Bring Danger
Very often, people who are new in Feng Shui or have just met with a Feng Shui practitioner are focused first on the interior feng shui of their home or apartment, when exterior Fen Shui is even more important. Certainly focus on the arrangement of rooms, the flow of energy, the way the furniture is
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Feng Shui Around Us
Have you ever notice that South Korea has a very strong influence by the ancient knowledge of I-Ching and has even incorporated it in the government structures and symbols? The I-Ching is the great knowledge which has formed the basis for almost all the eastern philosophy and Sciences that counts more than 6000 years.
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Taste of France
There’s something very interesting about being in a place where the energy is combined, mixed, blended and transform to different level. I’m talking about a cultural event that gives you the knowledge and concepts of the people who live in another country. Something hardly noticeable happens there in my favorite city which combines two absolutely
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Apple launched new iPhones
On Wednesday, Apple launched two new iPhones onto the smartphone market. Some says that they “are disappointed with the policy of apple” an d some say exactly the opposite. However today we are not going to talk about the technical features of these phones and what differs between the 5c and 5s. It is
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Friday 13, 2013. so many “13”s does it look scary?
Friday 13th- what do you associate it with? I come from the information technology field and Friday the 13th is associated with bad-day-Friday-13 the computer virus that had the same name and made a lot troubles in 1987. In reality today’s date is passing various tensions in any relationship, it could be in office or
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Can Feng Shui improve your travel ?
Feng Shui Travel Tips An the end of the Summer my family was preparing for short trip to Florida and I started look for summer travel tips and suggestions. I have to say, that we never have been in Florida during the summer, usually we travel to Florida in the winter time. So, I’m searching for
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Energize the Northwest in the August
It is important to enhance the luck of the Patriarch In most cases, the Northwest is the breadwinner, the leader, the patriarch, the provider, the source of financial resources area. In Feng Shui the Northwest is identified with the Chien trigram and the Chien trigram symbolizes Heaven luck. The Chien trigram pictured as three solid
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Important notices for August !!!
Five Yellow in the Center and “Hungry Ghost festival” In August, the Five Yellow Affliction in the center and Hungry Ghost festival together can lead to serious reversal of fortunes and danger associated with accidents and injury. Important days in August: tripling days where the center has Three Five Yellow and all other stars are
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Money Frog
What the legends telling – The Money Frog The most branded object in Feng Shui practice “Money Frog”, it can be found in almost any home, even in places where Feng Shui not practiced. The Money Frog also called Three Legged Toad. It is the divine version of frog which has three legs only and
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Chinese Lucky Coins
Three coins with red thread tied together - it is an especially powerful emblem or fortune magnet for prosperity and those coins are so powerful, that it can be considered to be equivalent to the presence of a Wealth God. But it is vital to have correct “Trinity Knots” – mankind, earth and heaven luck.
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What the Dragon Tortoise Signifies?
The Dragon Tortoise is divine creature which combines two of the four celestial animals Dragon and Tortoise in Feng Shui. Also Dragon Tortoise symbolize the power of Heavenly Dragon and the Earthly Tortoise. The harmoniously blend Dragon and Tortoise together they represent ambitious and wisdom.The Dragon signifies braved and incredible success, while the Tortoise represents
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Chinese New Year- Food Traditions
New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are celebrated as a big family event, a time of gathering and thanks everyone. The New Year celebration traditionally emphasized with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth Gods and the family ancestors. Perhaps more food is used during the New Year celebrations than
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Chinese New Year
The Year of Wood Goat, 2015 The Chinese people, as ancient history shows, follow the lunar and solar calendar. Many important dates are recorded in this Chinese lunar calendar. But the celebration of New Year is the special date. Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon, this year it falls on February 19th and ends
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