Everest’s Fatal Day

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April 25th, 2015  

Throughout the past few days, the only thing we have heard on television is about the shocking earthquake in Nepal. As I mentioned in my article, “The Year of the Wood Goat 2015”, this year will be full of natural disasters related to the earth, such as earthquakes or landslides. That is exactly what happened on April 25, 2015 – Goat Day, Dragon Month, Goat Year. This just demonstrates the power and danger of excessive earth elements.

And the news I found out today shocked me too – “Google’s executive Dan Fredinburg was killed in an avalanche on Mt. Everest on April 25, 2015” ( CNN news). Dan Fredinburg was born on the day of the Ox and has been in a Dragon life cycle, which represents a double clash and accidents for this year. People who have Goat, Dragon, Dog and/or Ox in their chart could experience a chaotic year. 2015 will be more turbulent for the Goat and Ox as they are positioned in a direct clash. Check your vacation schedule and adjust it accordingly if you have any of these animals in your Birth Chart (you may want to calculate your Birth Chart here). July and October 2015 are months to avoid any activities associated with alpinism, rock climbing or desert travel.


Dan Fredinburg. Image taken from Daily Mail


image taken from outsideonline.com