It will soon officially be the year of Wooden Horse!

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Energy will transform completely and Tree energy will replace Water energy!


Here is an energy highlight for main door direction

I emphasized on the major impact of the coming year. If you are a beginner in Feng Shui and Flying Stars there is nothing to worry about. Simply invest in a good compass with a degree scale or you can use iPhone compass apps, stand in front of the main door (inside looking out) and measure which compass direction your main door is facing. Feng-Shui-Compass-direction-main-door-direction

For example: if your main door is located on the North from 355 to 5 degrees by compass scale this means that mostly ineffective energy will go to your home through the main door because of the “year breaker Star.” To overcome that negative energy place wind chimes on the North. Also windchimes will activate the “Revival of Relations Star”. If you had a falling out with someone in 2013 that is not necessarily a boyfriend/ girlfriend it could be any one, you may be able to make amends in 2014. Also keep in mind that unfavorable energy will affect all rat born people. If you are a Rat, do not engage in any risky activities this year. Read more about Rat.. 

If your main door is located on the Northeast from 25 to 35 compass degrees, then stagnation energy will affect your main entrance and all family members, but the lucky star called “helping with new acquaintances” softens the stagnation influence. All you have to do is find new people and be more socially active. If you are born under the Ox Zodiac sign, positive energy from the “Help form new friends” star will influence you all year around. Read more about Ox…

If your main door is on the East form 85 to 95 degrees on the compass, it will bring new relationships and new partnerships that would lead you to a new rank in work or in general social status. However, one negative star effects the east. To cure downbeat impact display a Wou Lou in the foyer. If you have a Rabbit born person in the family, that is the person who will bring good luck to the family. If you are single Rabbit there is a high possibility that you will get married or engaged. Display Wou Lou next to your bed to help get ride of negative energy from negative stars. Read more about Rabbit…

If your main door is located on Southeast from 145 to 155 degrees, it brings luck of long term investments or a long term project that will finish with great profit and if you are a Snake born person that lucky energy will affect you all year, but you have to make assessments and close a deal in first part of year. Read more about Snake…

If your main door is on the South from 175 to 185 degrees, you get the “Year Ruler Star- Tai Sui”. As you can see from the name, this is very serious star and it is better to not disturb this energy. Do not dig, build or renovate. If you absolutely must to do renovations in the South, try not to start from south or finish on the south. If you are a Horse born person that star brings you turbulence this year. Just stay focused and be more tractable. The Horse has two positive stars that will help to moderate negative energy. Read more about Horse …

If your main door is on the Southwest from 205 to 215 degrees it will bring mostly positive energy for the year and whatever you are planning to start or consider to do will provide a positive result. This is a very auspicious energy. If you are a Sheep born person you are blessed this year with success. All your projects will go easy and smoothly with a rewarding result. Read more about Sheep…

If your main door is on the West (from 280 to 290 degrees), you get a visit by the “Easy Money Star” that fetches lucky energy to close a one-time deal. If you are Rooster born person you could catch the Fortune and if you can make partnerships with a Dog born person, your luck will manifest quicker. Read more about Rooster…

The Star of Robbery is located on the Northwest from 325 to 335 degrees and affects the main door with negative energy. Also it affects the patriarch of the family with misfortune, trust issues and loss of money. Try not to walk late in the evening and check all locks before you go to sleep. Try not to succumb to the influence of other people as a wrong decision could lead to loss of money. If you are Boar born person you will have a good year, but try not to overspend money. Read more about Boar…

*If your front door, back door, living room and bedroom are located in the relevant grid for that kind of luck, then it will affect everyone in the household and you will be experiencing that kind of luck indicated by the stars there. Besides the annual stars, we are going to experience monthly stars mainly when the annual and monthly stars will create a double influence. Everything will magnify by double stars, good energy will be stronger and bad energy will be worse.

For more info how to cure click here, If your house facing Northwest.

PS: If you need to clarify something or have additional questions, simply share it in comments, it might be interesting to others.  

PS:PS:  you may wish to check Forecast for the Year of 2014  or  Chinese Zodiac Sign for 2014

