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Feng Shui Around Us

October 2, 2013 in Articles


Have you ever notice that South Korea has a very strong influence by the ancient knowledge of I-Ching Korea-Seoul-Blue_House
and has even incorporated it in the government structures and symbols? Read the rest of this entry →

Taste of France

October 1, 2013 in Articles

Taste-Of-France-Bryant Park

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Apple launched new iPhones

September 12, 2013 in Articles


On Wednesday, Apple launched two new iPhones onto the smartphone market.

Some says that they iphone5c-gallery2-2013 “are disappointed with the policy of apple” an d some say exactly the opposite.
However today we are not going to talk about the technical features of these phones and what differs between the 5c and 5s.
It is natural for Apple create dissonance then  leave no one uninterested.
Have you ever wondered where and how to find the headquarters office of Apple? Read the rest of this entry →

Friday 13, 2013. so many “13”s does it look scary?

September 12, 2013 in Articles

Friday 13th- what do you associate it with?


I come from the information technology field and Friday the 13th is associated
with bad-day-Friday-13 the computer virus that had the same name and made a lot troubles in 1987. Read the rest of this entry →

Can Feng Shui improve your travel ?

September 3, 2013 in Articles


Feng Shui Travel Tips

An the end of the Summer my family was preparing for short trip to Florida and I started look for summer travel tips and suggestions. I have to say, that we never have been in Florida during the summer, usually we travel to Florida in the winter time. So, I’m searching for recommendations, they all pretty much say the same things about getting to the airport early, packing lightly or take a lot of sunscreen with you, but something caught my eye, Cathay Pacific-10 Tips for Feng Shui Travel”

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