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What kind of Luck is Waiting for you in 2016 – Monkey Year

February 27, 2016 in Articles

Every year, Feng Shui masters make predictions for the upcoming year and describe the general trend for the year. This includes changes in world politics, the economy and changes in other sectors and industries. These are the prediction for 2016, the year of the Fire Monkey. As usual, we rely on the Chinese Solar Calendar, which is an ancient proven tool for prediction, to predict our annual forecasts. The specialty of this calendar is that all information about time, meaning the year, month, day and hour, are presented in the form of the basic five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) and the relationship between them and the animal signs allows us to do the analysis. Read the rest of this entry →

2016 year of the Fire Monkey

February 11, 2016 in Articles

Feng Shui energy dynamics change from year to year. We need to relocate the active areas in important locations of our homes and/or offices. That way we can tap into the positive energy and avoid the negative. The year of the Monkey promises to be a highly diverse year; some of us will be on the top of a wave and some will at the bottom. Let’s take a look.

Year-Monkey-2016-Flying-Stars Read the rest of this entry →

Will the month of the Dog be lucky for you?

October 1, 2015 in Articles


In the Chinese solar calendar, the month of the Dog is the last month of the autumn season. This particular Dog month is a Fire Dog one, which means the fire energies will be more dominant. Also this month can bring some Read the rest of this entry →

How to Recognize Difficult People using BaZi

September 26, 2015 in Articles


Back in August, I got acquainted with a very charming young man who works and lives in the sunny state of Florida. As a real estate agent, his work is connected with people that are sometimes pleasant, and sometimes not, and he asked me how to recognize difficult people and how deal with them. Read the rest of this entry →

What 5 Questions You Should Ask Your Feng Shui Consultant Before You Hire It.

September 23, 2015 in Articles, Feng Shui Tips

I have not written articles for some time and that’s what induces me to write an article this week. More and more often I get asked questions like “in what corner should I hang a picture with waterfall”, “what color I should paint the bathroom ” or ” what is my lucky color to wear.” Read the rest of this entry →