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January 7, 2018 in Guest-Blog

It’s  a great honor to be invited to the Elegant New York magazine for Russian-speaking Americans , you can read article here




January 21, 2014 in Articles, Guest-Blog

An Introduction to I Ching



This year, my goal has been to study the I Ching and report what I have learned on my

blog, Tao Te Ching Daily. The parameters of this goal is that my reading list in 2014 will

consist mostly of I Ching books, to the exclusion of all others, in order to know this

beautiful book more deeply. I was nervous about making this goal public because I did

not want people to assume that I was an expert on the I Ching just because I am Read the rest of this entry →

“One Size Fits All”

December 6, 2013 in Articles, Guest-Blog

One Size Fits All ?

One Size Fits All?
by Penny McDaniel

That’s what the garment label read when I went to try it on.  And I thought, how can one item fit all the different shapes and sizes of people?  On some, this garment would hang loosely, engulfing their entire body; on others, it would leave parts exposed.

What a misleading message. Feng-Shui-spiritual-pathways

I placed the garment back on the rack.

When it comes to spirituality, there is no “one size fits all” approach.  There are many paths of spirituality.  What works for one person may not necessarily work for another.  One may start out on one particular path and remain on it throughout life; another may start on a path only to find it change over time. Read the rest of this entry →

The Truth About Spiritual Presence

November 17, 2013 in Articles, Guest-Blog

Are there even any truths about what is called Spiritual Presence? Is Presence even real? If so, can we ever know what that real is?  Probably not.

Entering Spiritual Presence At Will Feng-Shui-Spirituality

Contrary to what you might have heard on the spiritual grapevine, you don’t need a spiritual awakening or be enlightened or receive an act of Grace or even be struck by lightening — divine or the regular kind — to enter Presence. You can get there on your Read the rest of this entry →