Will the month of the Dog be lucky for you?

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In the Chinese solar calendar, the month of the Dog is the last month of the autumn season. This particular Dog month is a Fire Dog one, which means the fire energies will be more dominant. Also this month can bring some communication problems. There is an absence of water energies from the month of the Dog and the year of the Goat. This denotes arguments, legal hassles and the possibility of accidents. If you bump into a lot of stu…bbornness this month, it could be due to the influence from both the Dog and the Goat.
Besides that, the month of the Dog will benefit people who are born in the year or day of the Horse, Tiger, Rabbit, Water Boar, Fire Rat, Fire Ox, Wood Snake, and Fire Monkey.
You may want to check the BaZi calculator to find out what year or day you were born on  

But for people who are born in the year or day of Dragon this month prepare some challenges and seems like this moth will be more turbulent for you.