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October – Dog Month “Xu”

October 10, 2014 in Articles


Some thoughts and prediction for October Read the rest of this entry →

Feng Shui your office or home office

June 24, 2014 in Articles


In recent years, the number of people working at home has increased at an astonishing rate due to the development of Read the rest of this entry →

Feng Shui Bathroom Basic Rules

May 31, 2014 in Articles


One of the most troubled places in the house is the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Last week I did a Feng Shui article about basic kitchen rules, and today we are talking about the Feng Shui  bathrooms rules. Read the rest of this entry →

Feng Shui Kitchen

May 22, 2014 in Articles


Kitchen – the most haunted place in the house or apartment. In old days the kitchen was usually placed in a negative sector of the house. Based on the House Kua Number (please do not confuse with personal Kua Number), the reason why in old days the kitchen was located in a negative sector because fire is a strong element and destroys negative energy. Read the rest of this entry →

Means of correction bad Feng Shui

May 14, 2014 in Articles

Here we look at the basic tools that are used in Feng Shui to correct adverse situations. This is lighting, candles, mirrors, crystals, pendants, bells, moving objects, plants, water, Read the rest of this entry →